Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Dark Mechanicus Daemon Army

This is the latest rendition of my Dark Mechanicus themed Daemon army. It was designed as a fifth ed. army and has since seen a lot of shelf time with sixth coming out. Hopefully the new FAQs and units convince me to bring it back out.

Army Summary: Pretty basic Fate-Crusher list (win big/lose big style) with the core units being Fateweaver and a big unit of blood-crushers with Skulltaker and a Khorne Herald leading the way. Those guys ideally drop with the three units of Pink Horrors for hopefully a round of lucky shooting, followed by the Plaguebearers, Fiends of Slaanesh and that monstrous Soul Grinder. The theme is following the Dark Mechanicus trail with some heavy influence from Legio Mortis (hence all those skull masks). To date this army has won me: Player's Choice at Adepticon; Best Overall and Player's Choice at the Bugeater GT in Neb; and Best Appearance at Wargames Con down in Austin.

And Now the Picts:

Mortis Rex (Fateweaver)

The Gear Axe

Thanatos Rex (Soul Grinder)

The Huge Mace

Hell-Brute Praetorians (Blood-Crushers with Heralds)

Champion Ascendant Redgar (Skulltaker)

Mortis Skitarii (Pink Horrors)

XNu-217.1 (The Changeling)

Thrall Servitors (Plaguebearers)

Nightmare-Class Combat Servitors (Fiends of Slaanesh)

Hey Everyone, these guys are now for sale so CHECK IT OUT: EBay Auction for Dark Mechanicus


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I read the books often and play the video games. Never got into the models but I have an appreciation for it. This sir, is fantastic work.
