Hello Everyone!
C.J. here with a post to kick off my new army. I have been loving the Pre-Heresy story line lately and decided to build not one but two Pre-Heresy armies! The fist is the World Eaters and the second will be a Sons of Horus army (more on them in a future post). I have been inspired to build the World Eaters for two main reasons. First, the Starz mini series Spartacus has been a big inspiration because Angron's story is basically the Spartacus story. Second, the new Black Library book Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden is all about the World Eaters during the Heresy and it is simply amazing!
These two inspirations have lead me to build this army, below is the first finished model and it is none other then the big man himself, Angron! I have more of the army on the way from Forgeworld and will continue to cover the building of this army. Hope you enjoy and I would love to have your comments.
Here is the finished model with the cool box he came in.
This is a work in progress shot. I meant to take pictures along the way but forgot till I was half way through painting him.
Another work in progress.
The completed model.
One of the awesome things about this model is that Angron's base fits into his diorama.
One of the World Eaters that stayed loyal to the Emperor.
A loyal Death Guard cut down by Angron.
Angron in all his brutal glory!