Monday, February 18, 2013

WIP: Building a Spectacle

 Custom Vendettas!!?
The Plan! and some beginning cuts.
 Hello all! Looks like I have been slipping on providing some sweet new stuff to look at, so I apologize! Turns out I'm getting a bit bogged down trying to juggle my hobby job and various other responsibilities, but don't think I have been idle. In fact here is a brief update on what has been slaving my attention recently: Custom Vendettas!!

Click on through to check out my progress so far:

So the idea is to both save some money and get some sweet, unique vehicles at the same time. To that end I have been flexing my plasticard muscles to create something awesome, hopefully.  My idea is mixing the look of the Avro Lancaster with the functionality of a C-130 transport to produce something both unique/cool and functional looking.

This will hopefully give you an idea of how I approach scratch-building stuff and troubleshoot, I am pretty sure this is not the only ( or even the best) way to go about this so any feed back is welcome!
Knocking together the first few cuts you saw above.

Fleshing out the top hull and base of cockpit.

Adding in the Cockpit

Beginning to fill in the bottom of the hull.

I skipped a few steps/pictures here: Added in the bottom of the hull and started to case in the gunner position at the nose, and of course added the tail.

Experimenting with wings and adding support struts for the windowed areas.

Hopefully that gives you a pretty comprehensive look at how this baby is coming together. I'm still noodlin' exactly how the engines will go together.  It will have four total with two top mid-wing and the others as a moveable/directional at the wing-tip.  You might also notice that I haven't finished the cockpit supports, well I ran out of plastic and have to travel to get more so that is paused for the moment until I get more.

AS Always Comments and Critiques are Welcome!!


  1. I've always enjoyed when you've flexed you various muscles, including your plasticard ones. Looks badass my friend, can't wait to see the paint job as well!

    1. Why thank you good sir! More to come! More to come!!
