Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Iron Knight Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus

An Article by C.J. Young

Hello Everyone,

This is my first article for enter the commissar!  Angry Richard and I have been friends for years and we bounce a lot of ideas off each other.  That is the reason we decided to do this blog together.  We fuel each others madness! This article is about one of my older armies but also one of my favorites.   

I played this army as a Blood Angel dreadnought droppod list with some minor support elements.  The army is a win big or lose big army.  Overall I did okay with it and won many local RTTs for painting or best overall.  It became my local RTT army because I played it at some larger events like WargamesCon in Austin and the list had some trouble in the balance department.  However, it was a blast to play, but has since been mostly retired.  For those of you that read this blog you will soon see that one of my main themes to build armies off of is the Adeptus Mechanicus and you will see many more articles that have that theme behind them.  

Myself and Angry Richard both love the Black Library books and many of our ideas come from these books.  As a result I have a soft spot in my heart for the 40K background and that is the reason I usually right at least a small amount of history for my armies.  I therefore included the background for the Knights of Victus below.  I am however by no means a great science fiction author so please excuse any oddities in my army history below.  

A Short History of the Iron Knights of Victus

In 728.M30 The Iron Knights of Victus were commissioned by the Fabricator General of the Mechanicum on sacred Mars to help defend its blessed surface (file 24601). The Knights of Victus quickly became known for their quick temper and aggressiveness in battle. This would ultimately be their undoing during the turbulent days of the Horus Heresy. At the climax of the Mechanicum Civil War on Mars the Knights of Victus rode out to assault Olympus Mons and the traitorous Fabricator General Kelbor Hal (file, suppressed by order of Inquisition). Despite causing great damage to the Olympus Mons defenses the Knights of Victus were wiped out to the man and their fortress keep was razed to the ground.

 Despite this disaster for the Knights of Victus, a Maniple of Knights was off world assisting in the Emperors Great Crusade. These remaining Knights fought with distinction and honor during the events of the Heresy and following. The Knights found there home world of Mars devastated after the Heresy but, for their valiant (some say foolhardy) service in the Mechanicum Civil War, the new Fabricator General Kain gave the Knights of Victus the right to lay claim to the first world they conquered. In 420.M31 the Knights of Victus assisted the Raven Guard Chapter in conquering the feral world of Hadrian. Finding this world suitable, the Knights of Victus claimed the right of conquest and took this world for their own. 

When Victus claimed this world only three Iron Knights remained from the once great order of Mars. These Knights found a rugged feral landscape and the natives were natural warriors. These three men rebuilt the Knights of Victus, but incorporated many of the feral traditions of their new home world. Soon the Knights would become powerful leaders on this feral world both in times of war and peace. A large Mechanicus forge would soon grow around the Knights Fortress Keep to build and maintain the knight titans. By the year 800.M33 Imperial colonists were also calling Hadrian home.

In the 41st Millennium the Knights of Hadrian are the guardians of the Perium Star Cluster. They maintain dozens of knight titans, thousands of skitarii and their own fleet. They answer the call of beleaguered Imperial worlds, Mechanicus Exploritor Expeditions and many other calls for aid across the Perim Star Cluster. However, their first and greatest duty is to protect the people of Hadrian from the Xenos, the Mutant and the Heretic.

Hadrian is world stuck between two eras. Many of the rural areas of Hadrian are still feudal and feral, but the main continent on Hadrian has many cities and a powerful, but small Mechanicus forge. The Knights of Victus livery is green with gold trim in remembrance of the original heraldry of the Knights of Victus who were founded on Sacred Mars. Their symbol is the cog of the Mechanicus with three bolts in the middle in memory of the original three Knights of Victus who saved the order and conquered Hadrian. They are still known to be quite aggressive and are famed for the lighting fast strikes into enemy territory. The Knights retain their original battle cry that was once screamed fighting the traitors of Mars, “Victus Victora”. 

(this concludes a brief and aproved history of the Knights of Victus, Glory to the Omnissiah!)

Signed, Adept Helane Deliqune, 
Master of Hadrian Forge

The Knights of Victus

(Counts as Blood Angels)

Editor's Note:  For bigger pictures, CLICK ON THEM!

Lancer Knight Titan Ira Imperator Piloted by Lord Ingtaius
(Counts as Furioso Librarian Dreadnought)

Lancer Knight Titan Imperiosus Bellum Piloted by Sir Knight Gudius 
(Counts as Dreadnought)

Lancer Knight Titan Equitus Bellum Piloted by Sir Knight Young
(Counts as Dred)

Lancer Knight Titan Apparatus Deus Piloted by Preceptor Agrippa  
(Counts as Furioso Dreadnought)

Lancer Knight Titan Mortis Ius Piloted by Sir Knight Vanir
(Counts as Furioso Dread)

Lancer Knight Titan Pax Mortis Piloted by Sir Knight Victor Cavalero
(Counts as Death Company Dred)

Warden Knight Titan Vitus Ira
(Counts as Land Raider)

Teleportation Homers 
(Counts as Assault Ramp)

Cataphractii Gun Team
(Count as Baal Predator) 

Mechanicus Skitarii
(Counts as Scouts)

Praetorian Servitors
(Counts as Death Company)

Magos Skitarri, Aglea
(Blood Angel Librarian)

Mechanicus Protectors

(Counts as Assault Marines)

Legio Cybernetica Cataphract

(Counts as Assault Terminators)

(Female counts as leader)

This is just the start of many more posts to come.  I have several other armies to post pictures of and some future hobby articles in the works.  Thanks for stopping by! 

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