Sunday, August 26, 2012

Learning to Airbrush: Here Goes Nothing

So here is an attempt to practice some airbrushing and hopefully paint an army awfully quick. This is an Iyanden high toughness army that I've had for ages just wasn't interested in painting or playing (truth be told still not interested in either one). However with a small local tourney coming up and none of my more esoteric/ridiculous armies ready to go, they are up.

To start the Wraithguard were primed white (see above pict.)

Next I used a dark yellow thinned a bit to run well and tried to hit all the recessed/shadowed areas like the bottom of the arms between the legs etc.
Ideally establishing my shadows for blending down the line.

Next I used a bright yellow (that was damn near neon as it turned out) to hit the highlights.

Now that I had my highs and lows established (sorta...) I hit it with a yellow that was happily between the other two colors. This was intended to tie the two together as shades of the same color rather than letting them hang out as polar opposites. It also served to calm down the ridiculous yellow highlight I ended up with.
 Now I just have to give the heads, tabards, weapons, and bases some love and they should be ready to rock!

More posts to come regarding all the big guys for the army, they happen to be a lot less static than these fellows...

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