Sunday, September 23, 2012

Reviving the Dead (army): Eldar Wraithlord Conversions

 Howdy again, sorry for the long hiatus there.

Today I am showing off the converted Wraithlords that I put together for my Iyanden Eldar army.
The idea was to give these guys a little more animation and flavor; or really just make them more interesting to look at. To that end I was aiming to make them look a little more like you might imagine the warrior sealed within would have looked like/fought like before his untimely demise. Each of them is straight up close combat only having a Wraithsword and double flamers. So here we go:

This first guy (see picture above) ended up getting a spear that I flavoured off of the Dire Avengers power spear bit.

This next one got a shield to offset the sword, no real justification here except I thought it looked cool, so there you have it.

And finally this last guy is designed after the Howling Banshee Exarch with Mirror swords, and obviously did not get painted as the army got put on a shelf for a while. 

Thanks for checking out my conversions, pretty soon here I will start posting pictures of the new stuff I am working on for Feast of Blades down in Denver!

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