Monday, January 28, 2013

Dark Mechanicus: Whole Army

 Hey All!
Thought I would toss out an update with all of the Dark Mechanicus together! Including some of the new units that have not been featured here. Some of the pictures are not the best but they get the point across i think.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Red Corsairs ( "counts-as" Space Wolves) 1000pt Force

 Hello Again!
This is a few shot of an old counts as army I did for a team tournament in 2011. These guys are designed as a Space Wolf list (since the old CSM dex sorta sucked at the time) with a Red Corsair theme to match the Astral Claws that my buddy CJ did for the other half of the army. It is kind of a "Before and After" look at Huron with the Badab War as the obvious separation of his two persona.
( I apologize for any blurred pics, I'm working with a different camera that has a smaller screen with less res. so it is hard to gauge how good the pics are until uploaded... Oh! and I'm too lazy to set everything up again to retake photos XD )

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Its a New Year and its Time for NEW THINGS

Hello everyone!

As it turns out I am still alive! Here is a quick update about what is on my workbench and what to expect in they future.