Saturday, January 5, 2013

Its a New Year and its Time for NEW THINGS

Hello everyone!

As it turns out I am still alive! Here is a quick update about what is on my workbench and what to expect in they future.

 As it is a new year I have decided it is time for something new. Along with that decision is the one that while I have collected a ridiculous amount of miniatures and models in general, collecting just is not for me. I much prefer the process of building forces and pushing myself to create new conversions and kick ass looking models that challenge me and others to greater heights.

To that end I will begin selling off my older armies that have been using up shelf space for too long. Which means you guys will be seeing detailed and picture heavy posts in order for me to both show off my old stuff and help showcase the armies to people looking for more information.

Also as you can see below, my friends and I have been dabbling in Infinity as a nice change to 40k. It is rather refreshing to paint something with such a high level of detail! Comments and Criticism are always helpful!
The Whole Gang

Ariadna Vet Kazak and a Chassuer

The back

Ariadna Line Kazaks

Little known fact: Belly Shirts provide +2 armour to females

WIP: Traktor Muls, Highlander Grey Rifle and another Line Kazak

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