Thursday, April 11, 2013

WIP: Building a Spectacle Part 2

 Hello All!
Unfortunately Last month was marked with a distinct lack of posts and for that I apologize! Life tends to get in the way of my Hobby on occasion. However I have not been completely stagnant!

Jump the Break to check out my sweet Scratch-Built ShadowSword Super-Heavy for the Adepticon Gladiator Event!!

Here are a couple work in progress shots to get us started:

Without Rivets
With Rivets, a noticeable improvement

And then the great plastic beast finished, sorry for some of the pictures, the lighting in my workspace needs some help.

Turns out plasticard is shiny...
And then the whole motor pool together: The Russ' got their barrels chopped and turned into demolishers, and the Colossus is from a previous army that will be repainted.
A nice pic for the size comparison
And of course to prove that I havent given up on those custom vendettas I showed before:

All hope is not lost !!
Thanks for checking out the post! Comments and Criticisms are welcome!!

I hope to have the two planes and the scenery board ready to paint by this weekend so be on the lookout for those Posts!!

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