Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WIP: The Leftovers: Imperial Guard List for Bugeater GT

Hello All!

Here is a quick update on the painting of "the Leftovers".

So this army is going to be themed around the Imperium's tendency to take diminished battle groups and other armies and mash them together to create a viable fighting force.

To that end we have created "the Leftovers" out of the remnants of a Death Korps of Krieg Siege Company and the last few squads from what I am calling the Helghan (because they could be straight outta Killzone) Rapid Assault company.

The blue vehicles will become the Hel-Wraiths and the Russ' Squadron and Colossus will be from the Krieg detachment.

As you can see I spent some time creating a new flyer for a vendetta, because I actually really disliked the other two that I built previously (hence the lack of updates and pictures). 

This guy is my kit bash/scratch hydra that I threw together for giggles and sadness.

As always more to come hopefully straight from the Bugeater GT!

Comments and Criticisms are always welcome too!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, These look awesome. Would you mind sharing the dimensions of the items your built. In particular the hydra?
