Friday, October 26, 2012

More for The Feast!

 Hello and welcome back to more awesomeness. I am attempting to post this from my phone so i apologize for the quality of the pictures and any weird formatting...

 These wonderful fellows are my warp kroot (counts as flamers of tzeentch). They are luckyenough to have their eqipment grafted directly into their nervous system! Turns out the warpsmiths dont really care if they make it back alive as long as they burn a few things with warp fire on the way out. Then it is just a process of collecting the charred remains and grafting the same destructive bits onto a new bunch of hapless xenos who happen by...

1 comment:

  1. AR, I love the army, but I noticed a huge brute with a ball and chain in some of the pics and was wondering what he counted as?
