Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thanatos Rex: Supreme Champion of the Soul Forge, Destroyer of Dreams

 Ahoy Hoy! Say hello to the latest big baddie from my Soul Forge/Dark Mechanicus Army!

 Welcome back boys and girls! I present to you Thanatos Rex! (Yes, that is T Rex for short)
This guy is the latest and probably last addition to the Dark Mechanicus/Soul Forge army that has consumed my hobby time for the last year. On the upside I have now won: Adepticon Player's Choice; Bugeater GT Best Overall and Player's Choice; Wargames Con Best Appearance and now Feast Of Blades Open GT Best Appearance. Quite the haul considering it is really one set of models that I have continued adding too.

As for the new Guy, he counts as a Bloodthrister ( hence the Jump Pack "wings") with the Death Strike upgrade ( throwing about a magical wrecking ball is pretty close to a shooting attack I figure).


Overall he stands about 7ish inches tall
( okay maybe a bit more didnt actually measure him... just guessing). Which means yes he is basically massive. I am pretty happy with how this conversion turned out as I think I successfully made him Bloodthirster-ish. And by that I mean incorporating the bestial face and of course those wicked techno dreads that all the cool 'Thirsters rock.

I always appreciate comments and questions so feel free to let loose.

Till Next Time!

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